Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hey everyone,

Welcome to the Official WaniFaeezLutfi Hitch Morocco Blog!

To blatantly quote from our Justgiving site,

We have pledged to raise a minimum of £300 each in sponsorhip on behalf of Link Community Development. As being privileged with (relatively) sound education since young, we feel compelled to do our part in assisting children in more impoverished regions who seek the same benefits.

In return, we will be hitching our way all the way to Morocco. The exact route hasn't been determined yet but we will definitely be passing through France and Spain. The Hitch will take place during our Easter break (mid to lateMarch onwards) and we plan for the whole trip to take around 10 to 14 days.

This blog will account everything that's involved in planning and executing our Hitch. Everything from our fundraising activities to the shopping that we'll need to be doing to the pictures and camwhoring that we will be involved in to the actual Hitch itself!

So keep checking for updates!

In the meantime, please donate to our cause at our online charity site,

Till then, stay charitable!

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