Monday, November 20, 2006

Thé à la menthe

Our charity event at this year's XRV in Warwick was a mixed success. Mixed because we managed to raise almost 325 pounds (woot woot) and incidentally ensuring that all 3 of us can participate in the hitch now that we've raised the bare minimum. Mixed because the price we'll have to pay may very well shake the foundations of this world as we know it. No, we haven't sold any organs off.

It's actually worse than that.

But it's for the kids. It's for the kids. Thank you to everyone who was generous with their money. It's for the kids!

Anyway, to tide the time over before we humiliate ourselves in public, I present to you Thé à la menthe by Nikkfurie of La Caution, a French rap duo from Morocco.

Not that I normally get off to this kind of music, but that beat is sick! If it sounds familiar to you in any way, that's because the song was used in the infamous laser dance scene in that movie we call Ocean's 12.

In doing my part to enlighten the rest of society, thé à la menthe means (I hope) mint tea in French. The most popular drink in Morocco, according to Wikipedia is green tea with mint. And umm...

Traditionally, making good mint tea in Morocco is considered an art form and the drinking of it with friends and family members is one of the important rituals of the day. The technique of pouring the tea is as crucial as the quality of the tea. The tea is accompanied with hard sugar cones or lumps.

Moroccan tea pots have long, curved pouring spouts and this allow the tea to be poured even into tiny glasses from a height. To acquire the optimum taste, glasses are filled in two stages.

Enjoy and stay charitable!

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