Sunday, April 01, 2007

Can't You See What Love Has Done?

Sorries for hijacking the blog away from Wani's pics. (Scroll down! Scroll down!) There's more where that came from, by the way.

If there's one thing that was a constant companion throughout our hitch, it's gotta be the music. Between Wani's endless Disney tune serenading to keep our drivers awake and whatever happened to be on the radio in the lifts that we got on, there's enough memorable music to make a soundtrack of. And that's exactly what we hope to do.

WaniFaeezLutfi Morocco Hitch - The Official Soundtrack. £3.99 a copy. All proceeds go to charity.

Kidding. Of course it'll be free!

This particular song was playing in the vehicle of Emilie and Boris, on the way to Barcelona.

U2 - Window in the Skies

The shackles are undone
The bullet's quit the gun
The heat that's in the sun
Will keep us when there's none

The rule has been disproved
The stone, it has been moved
The grain is now a groove
All debts are removed

Oh, can't you see what love has done
Oh, can't you see what love has done
Oh, can't you see what love has done
What it's doing to me

Love makes strange enemies
Makes love where love may please
Soul in its striptease
Hate brought to its knees

The sky over our head
We can reach it from our bed
If you let me in your heart
And out of my head

Please don't ever let me out of here
I've got no shame

I know I hurt you and I made you cry
Did everything but murder you and I
But love left a window in the skies
And to love I raphsodize

To every broken heart
For every heart that cries
Love left a window in the skies
And to love I raphsodize

I hereby dedicate it to my two hitch partners, Wani & Lutfi.

Our love has indeed done a lot. Sorry for being the occasional bitch. Especially in situations where it would have been optimal to have less bitchiness. I wouldn't have done the hitch with anyone else in the world.

Enjoy the music, people!

1 comment:

Syazwani Fatkhi said...


can't u put up the "me gustas tu" song? plsssss