My name is Faeez and I currently have trouble crossing roads. I also have a bad sense of direction, can't read maps for shitters and tend to get lost a lot. You may be wondering why I signed up to hitch-hike to Morocco, then.
I guess I make up for all that lost sense of direction in my sense of humor. Which is limitless. Ho ho.
Okay, not working.
I'm also known by my friends to be brutally honest and quite frank. And I'll be frank with you right now. I understand you're cynical about this. Heck, I would be, too. So from one cynic to another, let's get some facts straight.
You're not funding our trip. We can do that just fine by ourselves. That's the point. And therein lies the beauty of it.
What you are funding is the education (and ultimately, the hopes and dreams) of underprivileged children. Children who probably wish they could be you sitting in front of a screen reading blogs and stuff.
The way I see it, sharing your love is wonder-dee-dandy.
Sharing your money is even better.
With love, that is.

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